Thursday, October 31, 2013

DEMOCRATS in Senate - upon Dictates of their GODDAMN-SACHS overlords - Prepare to SLASH SOCIAL SECURITY !! ....

So much for the "Democrats" being "Liberal" - Democrat Senator Dick Durbin now joins Democrat Senator Harry Reid in being little more than a  HIRED THUG ENFORCER for the GODDAMN-SACH global, genocidal bankers mafia, criminal cartel FINANCIAL EXTORTION RACKET....

 THE ONLY  laws and contracts which now apply in Amerika today, are those that ENFORCE the TREASONOUS DEBT EXTORTION of the insane Goddamn-Sachs, jpm, Fed, Bank of England (et al) ruthless, genocidal, criminal debt extortionist central bankers... ALL OTHER LAWS and (heavens forbid) Constitutional Rights are now NULL AND VOID  on the  SLAVE PLANTATION GODDAMN-SACHS, formerly known as the  United States of America....  
   just as puppet front-man George W. Bush unilaterally terminated treaties the United States had signed and ratified in his 8 year stolen presidency...

Top Democrat Senator Dick Durbin Opens Door for  SLASHING Social Security... on behalf of the  Wall St. Financial rapists financiers & banksters

Slick snake oil salesman Dick Durbin exploits language of supposed Democrat-Republican divide
October 21, 2013
 [video DELETED by google/youtube - TERRORIZED Americans ARE NOT ALLOWED to know what their criminal government agents and bribed politicians are doing...]

Illinois Democrat Senator Dick Durbin used the language of partisan politics on Fox News Sunday to make it feasible for Democrats to agree to slash entitlements.
“If this is the bargain that the Republicans are now pushing for, that we have to cut Medicare to avoid cuts at the Department of Defense, they need to take a step back,” Durbin said.
In order to make it appear the government is helping seniors by cutting back on the money they were promised, Durbin said Democrats are working to remedy Social Security and Medicare, two programs that dominate the federal budget. The palliative is Obamacare, a stillbirth baby that can’t even enroll Americans, let alone deal with their health issues.
If we don’t focus on the health care and dealing with the entitlements, the baby boom generation is going to blow away our future,” Durbin said.We don’t want to see that happen. We want to make sure that Social Security and Medicare are solid.”
In short, under sequestration, expect more rhetoric about “tough choices” and “shared sacrifice"...  

 for THE AMERICAN WORKING-CLASS population, while the imperial parasite bankers and their hired & bribed politicians live in the land of milk & honey on the sweat of  other peoples' labors.. 

Our "United States" Government is TERRORIZING us Americans! "Just the facts, Ma'am" we count the ways...

Our #1. post:
         The "Department of Homeland  Security" was  not  set up to "protect" us Americans from "foreign (i.e. al Qaeda) terrorists" -  it was SPECIFICALLY DESIGNED by it's  "neo-con" LOYAL to a FOREIGN POWER  architects in Congress and the (Bush-Cheney) White House to... TERRORIZE us AMERICANS !

 Don't believe us?    Well,  at a time when both the "Democrats" in the White House, Congress, & senate, and the  REPUBLICANS in the Congress and Senate, are letting, allowing, PERMITTING  so-called 'Federal Reserve'  privately owned central bank chairman Ben Bernanke to JUST  PRINT UP EIGHTY-FIVE BILLION DOLLARS per month -   $85,000,000 per month which he dishes out as FREE MONEY to the member/owner BANKERS of the so-called "Federal Reserve"...

 ...WHY then is ANYONE  anticipating  RIOTS... following the SLASHING of  food stamps benefits  on November 1st (of this year, 2013) for needy American families,
  when food stamps are only a $115 billion... per year government expenditure???!!
 "Fox News’ Neil Cavuto thinks the Department of Homeland Security’s $80 million outlay on armed guards to protect government buildings is directly connected to food stamp cuts set to take effect on November 1st, a day on which all hell could break loose." 
  Is there not something grossly INSANE about GIVING BANKERS $85 billion dollars every single month... while SLASHING food stamps for needy American families that by comparison only costs $114 billion per year ???

 (screen-shot from below video) 

  Is there any LEGITIMATE REASON why BANKERS should get  EIGHTY FIVE BILLION DOLLARS PER MONTH in FREE MONEY FOR THEM... while needy American families get their life-sustaining FOOD STAMP rations SLASHED by ruthless government bureaucrats acting like COMMISSAR APPARTCHIKS (from the left)  or  DEBT SLAVERY loan-shark ENFORCERS (from the radical right-wing) ??

   - answer:  ONLY if  YOU ARE AN INSANELY GREEDY, TREASONOUS BANKER (or hired or bribed pol. or media whore)  and INTEND to TERRORIZE millions of Americans!

 WHO are the TRAITORS behind this  INTENTIONAL SABOTAGE "ALL MONEY to the ALREADY WEALTHY,   PARASITIC 'bankers' &  ELITE...  STARVE American familes & PROVOKE RIOTS" agenda??

  Fox news: DHS preparing for possible Riots / Martial Law on Nov 1st


Sad to say, there is much, much, much more to come here about how our TREASONOUS  "9-11 treason;  NSA crimes,  WAR CRIMES,  Economic SABOTAGE,  TORTURE, GESTAPO ARREST powers,   DRONE ASSASSINATIONS, and other atrocities WHITEWASHING government officials and corrupted politicians, 
     INTEND  to use the DHS as a COMMISSAR GULAG / GESTAPO CONCENTRATION CAMP   REPRESSION agency to TERRORIZE  the American people !!