Saturday, November 16, 2013

Boston Marathon BOMBING was a "FALSE FLAG" event: A TREASONOUS TERROR ATTACK, ON AMERICANS, with the COMPLICITY of Officials AT THE HIGHEST LEVELS of ALL U.S. govt. agencies...

Alex Jones, producer of the independent news aggregator service (and its sister/mirror site, - deconstructs the cold, chilling facts that point to ONLY ONE CONCLUSION:  the Boston Marathon Bombing was a typical "BLACK OPS"  ASSASSINATION type program  perpetrated by  GOVERNMENT  "intel"  or "national security" agencies, that instead of targeting a single person for assassination, attempted (successfully, to our horror) to SPATTER BLOOD AND GUTS  ALL OVER a cherished,  well attended American public event (the annual running of the Boston Marathon).... so to make the case that Americans must bow down to every larger, ever more costly, ever more intrusive, ever more draconian GOVERNMENT DICTATORIAL  RULE in the name of "security"...

 The even more grisly, chilling reality is, that even though the string of cold cruel facts and evidence point towards this conclusion,  United States government officials at the very highest levels - up to JANET NAPOLITANO who until this scandal spattered her face was the SECRETARY of the DHS  and her boss, the president - are spending MORE TIME & EFFORT 'managing'  the story, than actually investigating the cold cruel facts which point to a "False Flag" TREASON  TERROR ATTACK -  indicates that FALSE FLAG ATTACKS ON AMERICANS  ARE  now the government's STANDARD,  de riguer method of operations.   As Alex Jones points out, WITH EVERY  "new" TERROR ATTACK, the government and our treasonous,  loyal-to-a-foreign-power Con-gress TROT OUT NEW  'security measures'  which are nothing but a wholesale imposition of  Nazi, Stazi, or Commissar totalitarianism (lawless, mass-murderous dictatorship rule-by-terror.)
   The fact that EVERY ONE of these "rouge terrorists" attacks  HAS A DISTINCT, provable, verifiable  GOVERNMENT UNDERCOVER OPERATIONS  LINK,   indicates that these are not aberrations - THEY ARE THE PLAN.... 

Boston Marathon BOMBING was a "FALSE FLAG" event: A TREASONOUS TERROR ATTACK, KILLING AMERICAN civilians,  BY OFFICIALS at the HIGHEST LEVELS of the (late) 'United' States government..... 

   While this may sound like a "radical conspiracy theory,"  in fact the history of the United States of America  IS the history of  American leaders - whether colonial Englishmen such as George Washington, John Adams, Ben Franklin, Alexander Hamilton  or Civil War 'rebel' separatists including Robert E Lee and Jefferson Davis  - using violence & destruction to distance themselves from what they saw as oppressive government.    In the case of the American revolution, those revolutionary rebels were of course successful, and today we regard them as "PATRIOTS" - even though the space of time has dulled the American public's understanding that much of the American Revolution was also a CIVIL WAR  where much of the fighting was by Patriots against their own neighbors,  "Tory" or "Loyalists" who supported King George and the often ruthless Royal Army. 

  MORE on the  SATURATION of  GOVERNMENT  WAR-MONGERING "black ops" -  false flag terror attacks - AGAINST  THE AMERICAN PEOPLE.  Below, Alex Jones, at about 32 minutes in the video, EXPLAINS how the ENTIRE  "WAR ON TERROR"  NARRATIVE, 
WAS DESIGNED TO BE "FLIPPED" -  FROM   "protecting Americans from AL QAEDA TERRORISTS"   TO  "protecting America from WHITE EXTREMISTS" - aka  AMERICANS !! 

 The above video showed (now removed) DHS Commissar JANET NAPOLITANO  _DISMISSING_ a Congressman's question "WHY DID YOU ALLOW a SAUDI NATIONAL  with blood on his clothes to  GO BACK TO SAUDI ARABIA, when he was a  SUSPECT in an ONGOING  MURDER/ CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION?" 
  Rather than ANSWER the question,  the  TREASONOUS  Ms. Napolitano simply  DISMISSED the Congressman's question out of hand in imperious fashion -  she simply told a U.S. Congressman, during the course of  a CONGRESSIONAL HEARING, that SHE WOULD NOT ANSWER a question about a TERROR ATTACK IN THE UNITED STATES,  even though  the DHS  spends BILLIONS of taxpayers  allegedly "to protect us Americans" -  and the Boston Marathon bombing and Sandy Hook school shootings happened under her watch... 

 In the above video,  Mr.  Jones makes one point that EVEN THE MOST  determined, government supporting "conspiracy theory" DERIDING  supporter can NOT  deny: 


 THEN  said that  MARK HATFILL was  "a person of interest"  before finally settling on a THIRD PATSY - U.S. government,  Ft. Dietrich bio-wars scientist Bruce Ivins - who was KILLED before he could be convicted of mailing the anthrax (much less producing)  letters  that  SERVED TO  RAM-ROD the  despised "P.A.T.R.I.O.T. Act" through a U.S. Congress & senate that were already stunned by the 9-11 terror hijackings... 

                Below, in a third excellent  released just this week,  Alex Jones  video explains how  GOVERNMENT "WHISTLEBLOWERS"  seem to "COMMIT SUCIDE" - in the most impossible ways, for example,  CIA  COCAINE SMUGGLING INTO LA Airport"  scandal** whistleblowing author Gary Webb  shooting himself in the head to "commit suicide" - TWICE, with 2 different bullets!
**(a development of the IRAN-CONTRA scandal, which itself  -   A SECRET, PRIVATELY RUN WAR in Central/South America run by COVERT "Black Ops" portions of the CIA & U.S. military - was a "CONSPIRACY THEORY" itself,  UNTIL PROVEN TRUE by thousands of hours and millions of dollars worth of Congressional investigations)

Houdini Spy in The Bag & Other Gov Suicides
November 16, 2013
Think you can padlock yourself in a bag? Now do it without getting any fingerprints or DNA on the lock or outside of the bag. No matter how impossible or improbable the government story, if we’re skeptical we’re called conspiracy theorists.

  1. Record Numbers of US Military and Veteran Suicides
  2. Spotting ‘fashion fingerprints’: Google Glass app helps locate friends
  3. NYU Employee Spits on 9/11 Conspiracy Theorist for Harassing Dan Rather
  4. 25 disturbing facts about psych drugs, soldiers and suicides


Sunday, November 3, 2013

Control Freak bureaucrats and Commissar "war on terror" Appartchiks make HOLIDAY season TRAVEL a NIGHTMARE in America Nov. 2013....

 An excellent article by Paul Joseph Watson at captures our own angst this busy holiday travel season,  November-December 2013:

 Cops Swap Patrol Cars For Big Rigs to Catch Texters  
'Revenue generation' takes precedence over stopping actual crimes
by Paul Joseph Watson Prison November 1, 2013

    "Illustrating once again how police are now little more than revenue generators for a state which vampirically feeds on the public, cops in Knoxville, Tennessee are swapping patrol cars for big rigs in a bid to catch texters."
The notion of being tailed by a cop in a massive truck is obviously also a powerful intimidation tactic.
This is yet another example of how the state is directing police to act as revenue generators rather than having them stop actual crimes.

America’s freeways are no longer a shining example of a ‘free’ country,  and instead have been turned into revenue generating control grids watched over by big brother surveillance cameras, license plate scanners and aggressive roid-rage cops who hunt down drivers for minor infractions.
The cost of traffic tickets is also soaring as governments vampirically suck off the public in a desperate bid to replenish their bankrupt coffers. Speeding tickets raise some $6 billion dollars in the U.S. every single year.
As Michael Snyder comments, “Back in the old days, the highways of America were great examples to the rest of the world of the tremendous liberties and freedoms that we enjoyed. Americans loved to hop into their vehicles and take a drive. But
[today, under attack by foreign bankers, hired bean-counters, and metastasizing 'war on terror' 'security' appartchicks]
  government all of the fun out of driving. The control freak bureaucrats that dominate our political system have figured out that giant piles of money can be raised by turning our roads into revenue raising tools [for them].” 

   "Our" government bureaucrats and appartchiks,  backed by (nay, directed by) the foreign occupiers known as the "satanist...bankers,"  have made TRAVEL in America into a COMMISSAR NIGHTMARE, to where either driving on public roads and highways, or passing through the leering, there-to-terrorize-you TSA checkpoints at airports,  is increasingly an arduous chore... if not a nightmare for your average American travelers, who are being CONDITIONED by the TSA, NSA, military, and Department of  'Homeland' 'Security'  to  ACT AS  PASSIVE VICTIMS marched to death camp showers;
  or are being treated as unwilling blood donors by swarms of  parasitic flies and mosquitoes -  highway cops ORDERED to WRITE LOTS OF TICKETS - to regard any and all passing motorists as "revenue generating" EXTORTION victims.